The Help and 1960’s Feminism

Faith Baker

Just an article that I found whilst reading through different interpretations on ‘The Help’. It looks at the novel from a very interesting position! I found the article here:

The Help is set in Mississippi during the early 1960s, when the groundswell of feminism’s “second wave” was still building. Kathryn Stockett’s novel revolves around events in 1962-1963, before thewomen’s liberation movement, before Betty Friedan and other feminist leaders founded the National Organization for Women, before the media invented the myth of bra-burning. Although The Help is an imperfect depiction of the 1960s and the author stifles the budding feminism of some of her characters, the novel does touch on many issues that were relevant to 1960s feminism. Here’s a look at some of those feminist issues that are worth exploring after you finish reading The Help.

  • Skeeter’s Rebelliousness/Independence
    A hint of feminism in 

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The Difference Between GCSE and A-Level

When it comes to writing essays, I am the worst for not using complex language or sentences. This is mainly because I’m not good with ‘big words’, shall we say. To pass my exams I do need to ‘up my vocabulary’ and increase my knowledge in areas such as this. 

An example I look at to help me write certain essays is this: 

GCSE: “She calls the personas (point) “Exhibit A… Exhibit B…”(example). This makes them sound like objects (explain).

A-Level: “She calls the personas (point) “Exhibit A… Exhibit B…”(example). Making the women sound like objects angers the reader, because of the inhumanity (explain).

This may be an over-exaggerated example, but it shows just how differently the language has to be compared to GCSE level. 

Another word I used a lot in GCSE would have been ‘uses’, as in “Margaret Atwood uses…”. Instead of using this simple language, I try and use more of a higher vocabulary, such as “Maragaret Atwood…”

  • de-picks..
  • suggests..
  • creates the image of…
  • describes…

I know these are simple things to remember and you all probably do these already, but these are just a few notes I use to help me write a structured essay.

Hope they’ve helped! 🙂 


When using quotations, use should always stick to a five-step procedure: 

  1. Firstly, state your quote: “School dinners are detrimental to children’s health”
  2. Secondly, you should mention your position of this quotation: “.. It has been said because of the apparent amount of chips obesity has risen…”;
  3. Thirdly, you should argue for the counter-side: “On the other hand, with an increase in poverty children are bringing cheap school lunches into school which include various junk food, school lunches are the only ‘healthy option’ they have”;
  4. You then have to remind the reader of your position: ..But there is a lack of variety in school dinners today that the children have no other choice but to bring in their own dinners”
  5. Lastly, you have to point out any ‘star points’, and finally conclude.

Remember to always alternate the words that are in bold with things such as:

  • Whilst it could be argued.. 
  • One the one hand.. 
  • However.. 
  • Also.. 
  • Etc., Etc. 

Hope this helped 🙂 

Half-Hanged Mary

Most will have only one death. I will have two.


This poem is a ballad, about a local infamous hero, Mary Webster, who was hung for the crime of witchcraft. At the time when the poem was set, people were obsessed with the thought of ‘witchcraft’ and had hatred for the independent female, claiming them to be witches. Miraculously, she did not die and survived until the morning where they found her alive. She could not be hung again as it was against the law to punish someone for the same crime twice. The poem is first person narrivite, in which Mary is reflecting on her memories of the incident, and is divided into time-slots throughout the night. 

7:00 pm: In this section, Mary tells us what she was doing at the time the decision was made to kill her. She says: “I didn’t feel the aimed word hit” and compares it to a soft bullet going into her, showing the pain it caused her. 

She then goes on to tell us the reason why she was hung, with a tone of bitterness and sarcasm. She lists some mundane details about herself including her blue eyes, and her sunburned skin. She then adds “Oh yes, and breasts, and a sweet pear hidden in my body.” Atwood uses sarcasm to suggest that the real crime Mary has committed is being a woman.

8:00 p.m: In this section, Mary describes how she is hung from a tree with her hands tied and a rag in her mouth. She also describes the men going back home “excited by their show of hate”. This creates an image that the men are doing this for pleasure. 

9:00 p.m: At nine, the women of the town come to see Mary. Many used to be her friends, but are now clearly terrified. Partly they are afraid of her powers, but what they are truly afraid of is their similarity to Mary. They want to hate Mary because they want to believe that they are different from her, that it couldn’t be them in her position. Evidently this is Mary’s opinion as well; she says “Help me down? You don’t dare. I might rub off on you, like soot or gossip.”

10:00 p.m:  Mary is beginning to feel philosophical and speaks to God. She feels abandoned and lonely and is starting to lose faith. She thinks about free will, asking God if it was her choice to be in her current predicament and what part of his design the rope from which she hangs is. She does not question the existence of God, but rather his benevolence. She is aware of his indifference, saying “Faith, Charity, and Hope are three dead angels falling like meteors or burning owls across the profound blank sky of Your face.”

Midnight: She is despairing and feels death is upon her. She personifies death three times: Once, as a crow sitting on her shoulder, that waits for her to give in and become food; Second, as a judge, a figure that bears sinister connotations to Mary, who describes him as “muttering about sluts and punishment and licking his lips”; Third, as a dark angel, who attempts to tempt her to give in and stop suffering. However, she refuses.

2:00 a.m: Here, she has more bitter thoughts directed at God. She thinks about prayer, comparing it to the strangulation that she is enduring. She thinks that the one true prayer, as opposed to “the knees in the clean nightgown on the hooked rug. I want this, I want that.”, is the prayer for mercy.

3:00 a.m: This hour of her torment is a very significant section of the poem. One thing that stands out about it is the different way it is written. Whereas the other sections are made up of multiple stanzas varying in length, this one is a single stanza that is much longer than the others and has no punctuation, which has a profound effect on its voice. This stanza is written in the stream of consciousness form. If punctuation were inserted the stanza would be made up of many very short sentences that are all referring to what she sees and feels in the moment. This stanza speaks her despair and eventually her defiance. She refers again to her crime, saying “I did no crime I was born I have borne I bear I will be born this is a crime I will not acknowledge” by which she means that she will not acknowledge the crime of existing. The section ends with “I will not give in”.

6:00 a.m.: As the sun rises she says that it is “no longer a simile for god”. She has been changed by the experience. She is empty. She says “I would like to say my hair turned white overnight, but it didn’t. Instead it was my heart; bleached out like meat in water.” Though she is still alive in the morning, she has died inside and has became a completely different person. However, she is keenly aware of the difference between being reborn and living through death.

8:00 a.m.: in the morning her body is retrieved and the townsfolk are surprised to find her alive but in accordance with the law are unable to do anything. The people are afraid of her, but once again there is another side to their fear; when they see her “they see their own ill will staring them in the forehead”.

Later: This section describes Mary’s life after the ordeal. Dying has changed her to the point where she is hardly even human. She appears to have gone insane and yet also seems to have transcended into a higher plane of understanding, speaking profound nonsense like “holiness gleams on my dirty fingers, I eat flowers and dung”. 


What is Feminism?

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” 
― Brigham YoungImage

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.

Feminist theory, which emerged from these feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women’s social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender. Some of the earlier forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle-class, educated perspectives. This led to the creation of ethnically specific or multiculturalist forms of feminism.

Feminist activists campaign for women’s rights – such as in contract law, property, and voting – while also promoting bodily integrity, autonomy, andreproductive rights for women. Feminist campaigns have changed societies, particularly in the West, by achieving women’s suffrage, gender neutrality in English, equal pay for women, reproductive rights for women (including access to contraceptives and abortion), and the right to enter into contracts and own property. Feminists have worked to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. They have also advocated for workplace rights, including maternity leave, and against forms ofdiscrimination against women. Feminism is mainly focused on women’s issues, but because feminism seeks gender equality, the author bell hooks and other feminists have argued that men’s liberation is a necessary part of feminism and that men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles.


Okay, so as we all know- I haven’t been blogging! 

I want to apologise once more for the spam that you are going to receive off me in the next week or so as I will be writing all of my notes, homeworks, and essays up onto my blog! 



Sailing to Byzantium

‘Sailing to Byzantium’ is one of Yeats’s most inspired pieces of work.

Are you convinced by “sailing to byzantium”s conclusion? What ambiguities can you find?

In the first three stanzas of the poem, Yeats speaks about ageing and how he has grown up. “That is no country for all men”. this suggests Yeats feels like he is no longer wanted nor needed in Ireland anymore, and that himself and people his age should leave and make room for younger generations. therefore he sails to Byzantium- a place he has made up in his imagination. 

“I shall never take my bodily form from any natural thing”This creates the image that Yeats, in his next life, would want to be a form of artwork as they are eternal. The ambiguity in this poem is the word ‘natural’,and ‘gold’ which is repeated,  as it could be referring to Yeats’s natural self as a human, but also the ‘gold’ in nature itself. This suggests that Yeats still longs to be himself, even though he wishes to be inhuman.

Sailing to Byzantium

Image” Sailing to Byzantium” is a poem by William Butler Yeats, first published in the 1928 collection The Tower.

How does Yeats create a sense of both nature and art worlds in this poem?

Throughout the poem, you can see a clear conflict between art and nature. In lines 2 and 3, there is a clear reference to the birds singing as “dying generations” seems to be a form of synecdoche. Yeats isn’t only referring only to birds (or to the “young/ In one another’s arms.” He’s talking about all living creatures. Yeats also uses lists to describe both all living creatures and the stages of their lives is a form of parallelism. The repetition of this pattern helps to create the sense that the speaker’s talking about all life forms – they all fit into the same pattern. In lines 9 to 10, Yeats deliberately uses a metonymic phrase in these lines, describing a man as a “tattered coat upon a stick.” The tattered coat stands in for the human who wears it; in this case, Yeats uses metonymy to suggest that the man might actually waste away until the coat is all that’s left of him. Yeats mentions “Soul” as a way to represent the human as a whole, once more uses metonymic. Lastly, the end of the poem returns to the figure of a bird in a way that’s deliberately ironic. Now the bird isn’t “natural.” It’s a form of art.

In lines 7-8, there are references to “sensual music” and “monuments” craft a metaphor that refers to the human experiences different forms of art.The second stanza picks up the same metaphor that we’ve read about in the first. Now, however, the speaker extends the metaphor, suggesting that music, like life, remains a rough art because no one is available to teach you how to sing. Lines 16-17 the sages stand as if they were pieces of gold in a mosaic. The “as”  is our signal that a simile’s in action here. Lastly, in lines 26 and 27, the repetition of “g”s at the beginning of several words in this line is a form of alliteration. Here, the alliterative effect is also a repetitive one: the word “gold” appears three times in the two lines cited. </p